Friday, February 19, 2016

8 Legal Gestational Surrogacy Options Worldwide For Straight , Gay , Singles

Without further adue, here are the top clinics and destinations where legal gestational surrogacy is available and under what conditions. The clinics offer comprehensive legal help and top advanced testing, IVF, surrogate and donor check-up protocols. Gestational surrogacy involves the arrangements between parents of a child, or sperm and egg donation to another woman who agrees to carry the embryo through the pregnancy process. Intended parents will receive the same legal treatment that a US parent receives in regards to the establishment of their parental rights to a child born through surrogacy; provided the birth takes place in a "surrogate friendly" environment.
Explore, customize, and experience worldwide surrogacy solutions that make your parenthood dream become a reality! Your dreams of becoming a parent are now within reach through Surrogacy! Do not hesitate to contact us!
Or simply click the button below!
Contact PlacidWay

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